99游戏-单机-资讯-补丁-攻略-视频-图片 EA大作《泰坦陨落》将会有14张地图 或有分屏模式
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EA大作《泰坦陨落》将会有14张地图 或有分屏模式

发表:2014-02-18 11:22:42来源:99游戏编辑:



Angel City (beta 地图) 天使城
Fracture (beta 地图) 破碎
Colony 殖民地
Relic 遗迹
Airbase 空港
Boneyard 埋骨所
Corporate 集团
Outpost 207 207前哨战
Lagoon 泻湖
Rise 崛起
Smugglers Cove 走私湾
Overlook 俯瞰
Nexus 中枢
Training Ground训练场


cl_dumpsplithacks Dump (split screen workarounds.)
GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot (Returns the splitscreen slot assigned to this player (if any))
cl_disable_splitscreen_cpu_level_cfgs_in_pip (CPU Levels don’t show in Picture in Picture splitscreen)
ss_teleport (Teleport other splitscreen player to my location)
ss_mimic (Force user input to this split screen player Split screen users mimic base player’s Controls.)
If enabled, use PIP instead of splitscreen. (Only works for 2 players)
Two player split screen uses vertical split (do not set this directly, use ss_splitmode instead)
Two player split screen mode (0 – recommended settings base on the width, 1 – horizontal, 2 – vertical (only allowed in widescreen)
ss_splitmode….ss_enable (Enables Split Screen support.)


     《泰坦陨落》预计在今年3月11日登陆PC和Xbox One,3月25日登陆X360主机。


EA大作《泰坦陨落》将会有14张地图 或有分屏模式

EA大作《泰坦陨落》将会有14张地图 或有分屏模式

EA大作《泰坦陨落》将会有14张地图 或有分屏模式

EA大作《泰坦陨落》将会有14张地图 或有分屏模式

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