99游戏-单机-资讯-补丁-攻略-视频-图片 《使命召唤7:黑色行动》中文版成就列表


发表:2010-10-09 13:47:31来源:99游戏编辑:

No Leaks - Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island - 50G
并无漏气(台语) - 在复活之岛上,安然无恙地穿过NOVA 6 毒气(就是不能死啦 )

Clarity - Crack the code - 10G
真象大白 - 破解密码

Double Whammy - Destroy both helicopters with one TOW guided missile
from the deck of the ship - 15G
一箭双雕(双倍诅咒) - 用甲板上的一枚拖式飞弹将两架直升机都击落

BLACK OP MASTER - Complete the campaign on
Hardened or Veteran difficulty - 100G
特务高手- 在困难或老兵难度下,完成战役模式

Stand Down - Complete the campaign on any difficulty - 35G
停止出击- 在任何难度下,完成战役模式

Frag Master - Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade - 15G
芭乐高手 - 用一颗手榴弹炸死5名敌人

Sally Likes Blood - Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities
by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet - 15G
嗜血莎丽- 展现杀手强调经济效益的一面,用一颗子弹击毙3名敌人

Unconventional Warfare - Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies - 15G
不一样的战争- 使用爆炸弩箭击杀30名敌人

Down And Dirty - Complete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty - 25G
毫无掩饰- 在老兵难度下,完成"SOG" 及"The Defector" 任务(任务名称)

It"s Your Funeral - Complete "Numbers," "Project Nova" and "Victor Charlie"
on Veteran difficulty - 25G
自找苦吃- 在老兵难度下,完成"Numbers", "Project Nova", and "Victor Charlie" 任务

Cold Warrior - Complete "Operation 40", "Vorkuta", and "Executive Order"
on Veteran difficulty - 25G
冷血战士- 在老兵难度下,完成"Operation 40", "Vorkuta", and "Executive Order" 任务

Not Today - Complete "Crash Site," "WMD" and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty - 25G
屹立不倒- 在老兵难度下,完成"Crash Site," "WMD" and "Payback" 任务

Burn Notice - Complete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty - 25G
黑名单- 在老兵难度下,完成"Rebirth" and "Redemption" 任务
(跟我喜欢看的美国间谍影集同名~ Burn Notice )

Closer Analysis - Find all the hidden intel - 15G
仔细分析 - 找到所有隐藏的情报

Matinee - Watch a film or clip with a friend - 15G
早场电影- 与朋友一起观赏一部或一段影片

Gamblin" Fool - Finish 5 Wager Matches "in the money" - 20G
赌徒 - 完成五场赌注比赛

You Can Do It - Reach rank 10 in Basic Training - 15G
你行的! - 在基本训练中达到等级10

The Collector - In Zombie mode, buy every weapon off the walls in a single game - 20G
收藏家- 在僵尸模式中,于单场游戏内从墙上购买每一种武器

Hands Off The Merchandise - Kill the Pentagon thief before
it can steal your load-out - 20G
别动那些货- 在小贼偷走你的装备之前击杀他

Sacrificial Lamb - Kill 6 zombies after getting shot by
a Pack-a-Punched Crossbow bolt - 15G
献祭牺牲品- 在被重十字弩箭射中后,击杀6个僵尸

"Insert Coin" - Access the terminal and battle the forces of
the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade - 10G
投币- 在游戏中使用游戏机,进行死亡任务的小游戏

Easy Rhino - In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to
blast through 20 or more enemies at one time - 5G
犀牛冲刺- 在死亡任务小游戏中,使用加速能力,一次冲过20名以上的敌人




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