99游戏-单机-资讯-补丁-攻略-视频-图片 魔兽世界7.0公共CD下调 GCD最低下限0.75秒!
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魔兽世界7.0公共CD下调 GCD最低下限0.75秒!

发表:2016-05-31 13:32:52来源:99游戏编辑:

  魔兽世界7.0公共CD下调 GCD最低下限0.75秒!根据官方消息,7.0版本公共CD有可能会改成0.75秒,目前正在紧张测试当中,下面99单机网小编给大家介绍魔兽世界7.0公共CD下调的相关消息。

魔兽世界7.0公共CD下调 GCD最低下限0.75秒!

  What changes have been made to the GCD? How does it work now? I am recording under 1.0 second GCDs purely by haste. This is without any talents, artifact, or extra effects I can think of that will reduce it below the presumed 1.0 second cap. The only cap I am able to find is 0.75s, which occurs under the effect of Quickening and does not appear to be reduced any further.

  译:"公共冷却是不是改了甚麽? 没有任何特殊效果,只有急速,令GCD下降到1.0秒以下。好像到了0.75秒就不会再降。"

  This build does have a 750ms minimum GCD in all cases. This is something we're trying out provisionally to see how it works on beta.



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